Thursday, 20 August 2015

TIE Advertising

Advertising was a large part of TIE's business and this recording industry year book from 1979 shows how active in terms of advertising TIE were in the late seventies. This has no bearing on supplying programmes as far as I am aware but does show they were still in contact with various TV stations at the time. I have several of these but it is awkward getting the blog to show a larger amount of photos cleanly so will only show one for now.

Other companies mentioned are Richard Meyer Associates Ltd, Richard Jobs Ltd (an ABC subsidiary) and of course Rediffusion and a few others.

There is also a WRTH advert at the end.


WRTV Handbook Advert 1971

Odds and Sods

 I should start by saying some of these have appeared on Broadwcast at some point and some where alluded to by Ford on PMF sometime ago so none of this is new or exclusive to this site. These clipping I obtained from the Proquest database at the British Library. My reason for doing so was just out of curiosity about TIE's later years. I am posting this for reference purposes.


Variety in either 1982 or 1984
From Variety in the 1980's

An advert for TIE's HK station - Nothing to do with DW

Here is a document that details how long Thomson was contracted to manage each station - Sorry if these aren't in the right order. It's a real shit trying to arrange these:


About Bermuda